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BaseCamp Training: Workout Preview

Climbing Vo2max Power 2's Intervals

The idea today is to go hard.

  • Go as hard as you can across the 2 minutes and then repeat.

  • Repeat.

  • Repeat.

  • Repeat.

  • Longer rest in between sets and go again.

Try not to overthink today. In fact, if you are doing this solo, today is a great day to take outside. Ride / warm up to a 2 min or longer hill and do repeats. Up hard!! GO GO GO! Down easy. Etc.


If you want to try to do a workout in SIM mode in Zwift, this would be a good one. Don't load a workout. You know the drill of your warm up. Get warmed up and then do the MS: 2 sets of 4 x 2min. That means you have to track time on your Garmin (or Zwift, but easier to lap on your head unit.). It makes for a good practice workout. Simulate outside on the trainer.


  • Cadence = Self Selected = make the power however you can.

  • Stand or sit, sit or stand, stand and sit and hang on!

  • Control the first one, and then go for it!

  • Expect these to get harder and harder as you go! That's good and normal.

  • Pacing - these are harder than your 3 minute efforts but easier than a 1min max effort.

  • If you are unsure on pacing - use the target as a goal for the firs 20-30 seconds and then dig for the last 90 seconds. Do not trap yourself in the blue boxes. After you do one or two, you should be able to do this without looking at power.

  • There is not a lot of 'thinking' today. Only doing!

  • One last AP push at the end!

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