Use a medium climbing block for this workout.
1. Warm up well, extending time before as needed. Use the fast pedals to help wake up the legs.
2. We'll use the short Endurance segment to get settled, snack, and drink, using Gear 1 breathing to set the tone for the workout.
3. The high-cadence hard-start power surge will immediately drive the demand on the cardiovascular system and create a small dose of lactate.
4. Settle into a self-selected cadence (80-90 rpm) and a steady Sweet Spot pace. We have three long efforts. Settle in on the first interval, and if you're still good late in the second, consider working at the upper part of your Sweet Spot zone; if in doubt, stay where you are and wait until the last effort to push the upper part of the zone. The goal here is three strong intervals. Pushing more power early and dying late is not better. Aim to be strong later. Accumulate time in the right zone. Remember, we want to get maximum gains with the least amount of fatigue.
5. Recover and cool down. Spin out the legs.