BaseCamp Queen of Stoke Rebecca Rusch shared this in the Facebook group:
High school cross country and track was my first sports experience and my first experience with coaching and a training community. The experience changed the trajectory of my life. Our track coach (Mrs. Muelhauser, not pictured below) was hilarious and had a few dorky sayings that have stuck with me and served me for decades. At the start of the workout she'd shout: "TLC is all you need." It stood for TRY, LAUGH, and CHEER (for yourself too). At the end of every workout, she'd close with "PMA and have a good day!" Positive Mental Attitude.
How you approach your workouts, how you talk to yourself and others, and how your mind is calibrated really make all the difference between doing great and not doing so great. Dorky as they might hear Mrs. Muelhauser's words from me during our training! Feel free to shout them to yourself as well!