BaseCamp athlete Anneke Prins shared her experience at the 2024 Midnight Sun gravel packing race in Finland. You can also read about her experience at the 2023 and 2022 events!
Before the event
My main (and only) event for this year is in three week's time: the midnight sun gravel ( Things have been a little wild this year, so everything is just that bit more challenging. I've not done any official bikepacking practice (will have to rely on previous years' experience!), but I think I'll be OK. These are photos from today's shake-out ride with my bike fully laden. It's the first time I'm carrying my own tent and mattress (strapped to my fork), and boyhowdy do those things catch a headwind!! 😅. I've tested out the tent by camping one night in my backyard - all good. (Photo shows a thatch hook - above - and a "man trap" - below; this is in a little village called Ivinghoe where I stopped to buy snacks because, classic move, I set off for a 4h ride with no food on me...)

During the event
The sun at midnight. Big push. The woman who entered this event after reading my BaseCamp race report is turning out to be worryingly speedy and I’ll be gosh-darned if I let her pass me! Our speeds are very similar so my only strategy is Relentless Forward Motion. Ride more in any given 24h. I hope yesterday’s 130 miles puts me well ahead. “Only” aiming for 100 today!

After the event
Fourth overall and first woman in category. That will do

Wow!!! Don’t know a better way to say it except most outstanding!!